1. Why participate in a Hackathon???

Participating in a hackathon offers numerous benefits, including gaining knowledge about the latest Web3 technologies, building a decentralized application (dApp), and acquiring valuable skills for future job opportunities. It also provides networking opportunities with potential employers, mentors, team members, friends, and investors, leading to potential job opportunities and professional growth. I have friends who got hired on the spot form a hackathon. Additionally, hackathons offer empowerment through the creation of new projects for portfolios, chances to win prizes, monetary rewards, and enhanced reputation in the industry. The most beautiful thing in wokring with H.E.R. DAO was the change in the confidence of a women or non-binary person that one a bounty or prize at a hackathon. They start to understand their value and their knowledge.

2. Knowledge

Participating in a hackathon allows you to delve into the newest Web3 technologies and gain a comprehensive understanding of building a dApp. This encompasses various aspects such as architectural considerations, community building, tokenomics, business models, and pitching skills. Working on an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) within a team during a hackathon enhances your skills, preparing you for future job roles.

3. Networking

Hackathons provide an excellent opportunity to expand your professional network. You can connect with potential employers, mentors, and team members who complement your skillset (developers, founders, marketers, etc.). Building these connections can lead to job offers, collaboration opportunities, and mentorship support. Additionally, you may meet friends and even potential investors who share your passion for Web3.

4. Empowerment

Participating in a hackathon empowers you in multiple ways. Firstly, it allows you to develop new projects that can be added to your portfolio, showcasing your skills and creativity. Secondly, hackathons often offer prizes, monetary rewards, and recognition, which can further boost your confidence and reputation in the industry. One of my teammates invested the money she won into a Solidity Coding Bootcamp. Normally it was more like a deposit, that you would get back if you completed the course, but she donated it for women that then could take the course for free.

5. How to prepare

To prepare for a hackathon, it is recommended that everyone familiarizes themselves with the sponsors' documentation and look into relevant tutorials. Additionally, reviewing the official guidelines and joining the official Discord channel can provide valuable information and assistance. Developers should find a simple quick starter template, integrate a wallet, set up a development environment (such as Truffle or Hardhat), and practice calling contract functions. Et your first Smart Contract writing experience in Solidity using resources like CryptoZombies.